Thursday, February 28, 2008


It is now 2:41 AM. Yes, in the morning. I cannot sleep. I don't know why, but at night, my mind wanders. I see things. I hope for things that don't seem to be able to take shape in the daytime. Why is it that I can so easily trace them and plot them out in these hours that aren't quite night anymore, yet are not yet day?

I am here floating pointlessly in the in-between. Or is there a point?

Thoughts noted and stored for later.

Questions asked.

Looking back, there are things that could have been asked - things clarified - but are they things I want to know? Or did none of it really happen? Not knowing is torturous, but the knowledge of what exactly may have been going on just might be worse. So, I don't think I'll ever know. Rest assured, however, that it will always be in the back of my mind.

What is it you're yearning for?

It is now 2:53 AM.

Good night.

Good morning.

Monday, February 25, 2008

At Least I Can See Them There

When I see my family in my dreams, and then wake up, I make myself go back to sleep so that I can spend more time with them. It seems silly, but I miss them so.

And if it is a bad dream, I return to make sure they get out of the harm they are in.

It's not the same, and it's not real, but it is home, which I suppose has proven to be a state of mine.


I should be studying, but I'm listening to Car Talk instead. It's much more entertaining.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Finding the Human Comedy

"It's about reacting to what you see, hopefully without preconception. You can find pictures anywhere. It's simply a matter of noticing things and organizing them. You just have to care about what's around you and have a concern with humanity and the human comedy."

- Elliot Erwitt

Now, this was written about photography, but couldn't the last part be true for just about anything in life?

Do most of us care about what is around us? Do we know where presidential candidates stand on certain issues? Do we care that people are dying daily in war-torn countries (some of which are in situations our own country has created)? Do we turn our backs on the homeless on the street corners? Do we know about the thousands upon thousands of people dependent on welfare who can't work to better their position in life? Do we know what to do about them? Does our government? Have I come off sounding like a blatant institution-hating hippie yet?

Why all these questions that don't seem to have any real answers?

No, it's not all bleak, and yes, there are amazing things in this world around us. There are trials and tribulations. Ups and downs. There is beauty in the simplest things around us, but how aware of it are we? I may sound like a complete contradiction to myself, but - noticing things. Noticing things is what we all should be doing. Noticing the good and the bad, and looking inside to see where exactly we stand, because without that, what is the point of seeing things for what they are at all?

What kind of a society is it that we live in? It seems that all we need to do is open our eyes just a little. Well, it's not all we need to do... but Goodness knows it couldn't hurt. We have to start somewhere.

Maybe with this I can take a turn from the more melancholy things that seemed to have been plaguing me when I last felt inclined to write.

Getting up and moving on.
