Friday, January 22, 2010

Movin On Up

So, I've moved:

Naudia Jawad's Blog


And this blog is now *dead.*


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Poor Neglected Camera

I've resolved to use my cambam more often and take it to school with me now. It's been collecting dust and I could use the practice.

Another thing that I could use: sleep.

Monday, December 28, 2009

My New Book

I'm going to title it "Terrorists do Stupid Shit Just to Make Flying More Difficult for Me."

Seriously. :|

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holiday Travel

Holiday travelers are the angriest, grouchiest bunch I've ever seen. And it basically boils down to luggage.

Since the airlines have implemented the policy of paying to check baggage, people have been
bringing more and more with them in their carry-on luggage.

I think I might just be the only one on this flight whose carry-on luggage is the appropriate size. Everyon else is bringing on massive suitcases on wheels.
Tbh I'd rather they raised the cost of a plane ticket by $50 or so instead of the mess this nonsense has caused. We're already late.

And this old man with a rather large chin keeps walking up to the fligt attendants and whispering them to them and glaring at someone in the back of the plane. I'm pretty sure the glaree took the luggage spot over the glarer's seat.

Good job, AA. This isn't inconveniet AT ALL.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fort Hood

There aren't many times that the greater Killeen area make it into national news.


Please keep the fallen and injured in your prayers.

Monday, October 19, 2009


So the balloon boy was all a hoax, and the family feels like they're under attack.

Well, what do they expect?

I pity the fool that tries to fool Wolf Blitzer!

It seems that this is all just a sign of our times: reality television is taking over the airwaves, and if certain people can't get onto a reality show... well, they'll make SOMETHING up to get themselves airtime.

If only that darned kid didn't open his mouth, things might have gone better for the Heenes.

The world would've embraced them for being terrified when they feared their son was floating thousands of miles up in the air. Well, the world would have continued to embrace them.

They would have laughed along with the family for knowing the child was okay, asleep in the attic during the whole ordeal.


I didn't want to believe the family made it all up for publicity, but I don't think I can blame them for trying to make themselves more marketable.

I recently was denied an interview opportunity with the Associated Press because I don't have enough experience. This made me pretty angry, because how much experience do they expect people in a university (which is where they were recruiting) to have? Also, if I can't get a job that's supposed to GIVE me experience, how am I supposed to ever get a job?

It's all in the marketing, baby.

Maybe I should've rented some ad space on the Heenes' balloon. That certainly would have gotten my name out there.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I have a lot of it.

Perhaps I'll learn next time.

But lol probably not.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Internet Cancer

It has come to my attention that the monstrosity that is Twitter is slowly taking over the Internet. Well, it might be happening a lot faster than I care to admit.

Honestly, though - if it wasn't for Twitter, how would we know exactly what our favorite celebrities are thinking at any given moment? And how would we know what the president said about Kanye West off the record while he was being interviewed?

(The fact that a journalist thought it was okay to tweet about that is absolutely beyond me. What happened to ethics and standards?)

But I digress... sort of. The news media has caught the Twitter bug and it doesn't seem like they're going to stop running with it any time soon. In an era of video clips not put into context and messages compressed into 140 characters, I wonder if we're going to cut language and ideas down to the point of Orwellian thinkspeak.

Oh and lo and behold, now you can now use the @ sign followed by someone's name on Facebook to link to their account. JUST LIKE ON TWITTER OMG THAT IS SO AMAZING. Stop trying to infiltrate my life, Twitter.

I'm on to you.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ain't it the Truth

"There's no beard like 19th century beard."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009




On the plus side, I'm leaving the compound tomorrow and it's NOT for physical therapy!!

:D Rapture.