Sunday, April 20, 2008

Where Are My Glasses?

I don't know why it hurts so much.

Regardless of the reason, I need to buck up and get this work done.

It'll be much ado about the framing of a rape in the media, and the effects of the Colbert Report on the ever-widening knowledge gap in our society (for the next few days, at least). No, these two are not related. And then I'll be done. If I make it, I can rest.

And then seventeen more until I get to visit... THE KINGDOM.

There's this one spot on the highway right before you get to Riyadh, where you go over a hill, and you can see the lights of the city stretch far to the left and right... as far as you can see. And with the surrounding desert shrouded in darkness, the lights stand out that much more. They're magical.

It used to be that when I saw those, I knew I was home.

Now, all I need is my family to know that I'm home. Because home isn't a place. I know I've said this before, but it's the people around you. Those people that just make you feel comfortable and content.

I can't wait to get this show on the road.



-_- Heart attack plz.